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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 56.1%

A:   296   Joined
B:   232   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


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•   Lynne Coleman (Rosati)  10/25
•   Carol Ramsey (Stengel)  10/25
•   Ishraq Hafiz (Stare)  10/26
•   Ronald Santangelo  10/27
•   Thomas LaVogue  10/30
•   Jamette Codner (Nelson)  10/31
•   Steven Floto  10/31
•   Jeffrey Daub  11/2
•   Deborah Husk (Gallner)  11/3
•   Michael Basinsky  11/4
•   Alex Laverock  11/4
•   Tom Remick  11/9
•   Linda Brunner (Rado)  11/11
•   Deborah Emerson (Frost)  11/12
•   Daniel Fernback  11/12
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•   Debra Tatar (Lowery)  10/10
•   Jamette Codner (Nelson)  7/31
•   Mary Sullivan (Ellinger)  7/30
•   JoAnne Chittock (Offill)  7/26
•   John Bierdeman  6/26
•   Robert Medicus  4/20
•   Robert Fink Jr  4/12
•   Kim Turner (Gorski)  3/8
•   Kathleen Gaal  12/23
•   Dan DiCarlo  12/19
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
5 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
8 live in California
6 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
31 live in Florida
9 live in Georgia
7 live in Illinois
5 live in Indiana
2 live in Kansas
4 live in Kentucky
3 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Maine
6 live in Maryland
4 live in Massachusetts
6 live in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
2 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
2 live in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
10 live in New York
9 live in North Carolina
245 live in Ohio
2 live in Oklahoma
2 live in Oregon
16 live in Pennsylvania
5 live in South Carolina
1 lives in South Dakota
7 live in Tennessee
20 live in Texas
1 lives in Vermont
4 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in Ontario
1 lives in France
1 lives in Italy
73 location unknown



12% of all sales go directly to our class.


To all my fellow Floridians, I hope this note finds you, your family and friends safe after our recent hurricanes.
Welcome to the Official
Boardman High School Class of 1976

As a graduate you are provided this site free of charge.  It is meant to be a community of friends.  I have made my best effort to include every 1976 graduate. If your name does not appear please send an email to Dan DiCarlo through the Contact Us page and I'll get you added as soon as possible.


The idea is to keep improving this website and keep the information accurate. If you see anything amiss please let me know. If you know how to contact a Classmember who has not signed-up, please pass this information on.


The names were taken from the 1976 yearbook. If there are misspellings or you prefer to go by a nickname please change your name when you create your profile.


It is easy to get started, just click on the "Classmate Profiles",  click your name from the list, fill out the information and pick a password. 


Your email address will never be revealed to others.  Another person can send you a private email and you will receive a notice in your email box that you have a message at this site.  You can send messages back and forth without revealing your email address.  Your friends will know your email address if you choose to reveal it.  


Your home address can be hidden or shown; it is your choice how you want to handle that information.  You will need to provide your full address (street, city and zip code) when you register so I can verify that you are who you say you are. You will also need to supply a recent photo of youself in an email to me as a further verification step.


To see everyone's senior photograph, go to Classmate Profiles and click Show Yearbook Photo. For those of you that didn't have a senior yearbook photo, I have used the next photo available (jr, soph, fresh, 8th, etc) that I could find.


For you early St. Charles graduates, please check out the Misc Photos pages for some old photos of us!


Dan DiCarlo